General booking conditions

Merchant data:

"VSK Kentavar - IZ Dynamika" LTD
Dryanovo, BG-5370
1, Shipka Str
UIC: 107538312
Mall: Mariana Pecheyan

 Reservation mode:

You can make a reservation at the Boutique family hotel VSK Kentavar in one of the following ways:
- E-mail:;
- Tel: +359 884 980 608;
- On the website:;
- On site at the hotel
The hotel confirms the availability of available rooms at the time of booking.

 Payment of the reservation:

Once you make your reservation, you are expected to make a deposit of at least 70% of the amount of your reservation.

Upon receipt of the amount, the reservation is deemed to be confirmed and guaranteed by the hotelier.

* In case of payment by bank transfer, the name of the reservation holder is recorded on the grounds.
** DSK Bank IBAN: BG49STSA93000021946913 | BIC: STSABGSF

The remaining amount of the reservation is due on site at check-in.


Cancellation or change of reservation:

Request cancellation or change of reservation must be sent in writing by e-mail or in the hotel.

Upon cancellation or change of reservation up to 14 days prior to the start date of the check-in, you will not be charged any penalty, with the full refund of the deposit paid.
For reservations canceled or modified between 14th and 2nd day prior to the start date of the stay, 50% of the package will be deducted, with the remaining funds reimbursed.
If canceled or modified up to 48 hours before the date of arrival, the full amount of the reservation will be charged.
In case the client does not show to the hotel in the period booked and prepaid, the amount on this reservation will not be refunded.
* Upon refund of a refund, all translation costs (bank charges, etc.) are charged to the client.

Boutique family hotel VSK Kentavar reserves the right to cancel confirmed and paid reservations in the event of force majeure and other non-hotelier reasons. In these cases the hotelier:

Offers the client accommodation in another period, while maintaining the same conditions and prices.
Refunds the deposit paid by the client and does not owe a penalty to the customer.

Make reservation
Checkin - 14:00, Checkout - 12:00
Contact us: +359 884 980 608